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Fit-me: Webshop med produkter og stort potentiale - Færdig webshop og lager i Randers

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I have an online store with EMS muscle stimulators for sale.
A very popular type of training in Germany and Poland, still undeveloped market in Scandinavia, which was initially my goal when establishing this store.
At the moment, the equipment warehouse is currently located in Denmark (you do not need to pay EXTRA additional tax for import from China), a professional website is set up, and social media is run.
In addition, I have full data with the price list of advertising agencies that have influencers from the fitness industry willing to promote my product.
The product has a brand created, a photo session, its own packaging, stickers, shipping accessories and full specialization with instructions made under the brand.
The costs of creating a brand (logo, packaging, design), social media promotion + website and company registration in the UK alone: ​​amounted to over 40,000 DKK
At the moment, the warehouse has ~ 470 items of the product, additionally it gives direct contact to the manufacturer in Chine along with discounts.
The market value of the warehouse is about 200,000 DKK (according to the prices of the German company on which I modeled and we have the same supplier
Selling item:
- all social media channel
- Website
- products
- packaging, shipping boxes, stickers and instructions
- will additionally re-register a company registered in the UK in 2021. (the most favorable country for online sales)
If you are interested in the price for the whole thing, I invite you to a private message, I do not intend to "stretch" anyone, therefore the price is proportionally low, I will be happy to help a person involved in the project by providing sales contacts and to a supplier from China.
Unfortunately, for over half a year I did not find time to devote time to the project, so I hope that with a bit of willingness someone else will develop this perspective project in Denmark 🙂

Økonomiske nøgletal

As I wrote above, the company did not start due to my lack of time (I have 3 companies that have developed quite strongly).
At the moment, for the first 2 weeks, I sold about 30 units of the product to private individuals, so the product has a lot of potential.

Overskud før skat: 12.000 DKK


The products are adapted to EMS stimulation, which causes short muscle tension and accelerates fat loss and firms the skin.
More information about the product is available at



The company has a website, social media and approximately 470 physical products.

The company is registered in the UK, I can re-register it for those willing.

Varelager på 175.500 kr. inkluderet i prisen Sælger tilbyder at få varelager med som en del af udbudsprisen.

Sælger tilbyder finansering

Finansiering udbetaling:
50.000 DKK
Finansiering løbetid:
12 måneder
Finansiering renter:
10 %
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Udbudspris 15.000 DKK