Denne virksomhed er ikke længere til salg. Søg på lignende virksomheder - Webshop med salg af sakse til private og erhverv - Omsætning 325.000 kr. 2020

Femkanten I, Taastrup
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SAKSBUTIK.DK is a built on a concept to serve hair Industry by focusing on salon Customers daily requirements with all kind of tools including Scissors and other accessories.

Business was established in 2016 and has been quite stable with loyal Customer base and has been extended to Norway, Sweden, Greenland as Well. Webshop has a huge catalog of hair scissors with quality ranging from private home use to high grade steel for salon everyday need. Business is in collaboration with all Well known market brands from different countries around the world with stable Stock levels at all time to provide our customers orders in timely maner.

Økonomiske nøgletal

Established in 2016
Year Sales:
2016: 45.000
2017: 269.000
2018: 268.000
2019: 223.000
2020: 352.000
2021: 610000 so far


  • Omsætning:600.000 DKK
  • Ebitda: 267.000 DKK
  • Resultat før skat: 267.000 DKK
  • Balancesum: 267.000 DKK
  • Afkastningsgrad

  • Overskudsgrad


Webshop is marketed through mainly Google Adwords and Microsoft Bing.
Website has its Facebook page with huge followers base as well which can also be used for marketing purposes.
The main customers are salons, barbershops and private Customers.


This is webshop only so there is no rent for primeses. All products are purchased at wholesale prices from different distributers.



Stock costs estimated 100.000 kr.

Varelager på 100.000 kr. er ikke inkluderet i prisen Sælger ønsker at sælge sit varelager men det er ikke en del af udbudsprisen.


The main industry this business operates is salons, barber shops but private home users and frisørskole are also potential buyers. Competition in not so much as compared to other kind of businesses as its a special niche market. But still there are few competitors who are selling salon accessories.

This webshop operates in Danmark, Norge, Grønland, Føreorne, Sverige.


Need to have knowledge about hair industry.

Stærke sider

Webshop is Well established and serving Customers for last 5 years with good reputation and returning customers. With this platform other hair products Can be added to catalog to increase more sales such as hair colors, beard Care products, more brands for hair dryers like ghd, dyson and hair trimmers like Remington, Braun. Also this concept is very extendable to other european countries with local webshops and shipping to all countries as these are the same brands being sold in whole Europe for hair and Beauty Industry.


Business strategy is to be one stop shop for all hair accesseries. It can grow by adding more products in demand and further expanding it by focusing on Selling more salon accessories.


Vision for the business is to serve the Customer base in hair Industry both locally in Danmark and at international level.


All kind of start-up assistant will be provided.


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Udbudspris 300.000 DKK