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Bland-selv morgenmad webbutik til salg! -

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We are selling our custom-made website for "Bland-selv" breakfast, but it can be changed to something completely else if you would like.
The principle of the website is that the customer can create their own mix with all the ingredients he likes. The nutrition values changes accordingly and the price for the whole product as well. There is a possibility to create a gluten-free mix, lactose-free mix, etc.

Even though the website is custom-made, in essence, it is based on Wordpress, which makes it very easy to upload new products, write blog posts, etc. To create the whole website together with the custom "mixing feature" took us around 1 year to finish it and therefore, you can now easily skip this time period.

The whole website is working without any problems, there is payment gate connected and all other things needed in order to receive an order successfully.

We are selling the website, as we are moving back to our home country and we wish not to continue business operations here in Denmark.

The website is - please have a look :).

Økonomiske nøgletal

The company is not on sale - only a website - and therefore we do not mention numbers here. .......

Overskud før skat: 0 DKK


The website is set for the customization of own breakfast. The customer can choose the base (oat flakes, porridge, etc.) and then add different ingredients in the following steps. The whole custom-made product is then put to the shopping basket and then when you receive an order, you make the order manually.

When you choose a different product portfolio, there is a possibility to change the focus of the website, but now it is focused on breakfasts or snacks.


We used marketing on social media and Google Ads.
There is a Facebook page with 465 followers and Instagram profile with 267 followers.
Most of the customers came from social media or from the article we had once in a newspaper.
There is also an account on Trustpilot with only a few ratings - only 5 stars though.
There is also Mailchimp connected to the website.


Again - only the website is on sale. But there is a need for an approved facility if you wish to continue with a food focus. Then, of course, there are expenses connected to the different ingredients and packaging.
We can share all the information regarding the suppliers of freeze-dried fruits, nuts, and packaging.


We have a facility now, but our rental agreement is almost finished and the property is on sale, so there is no possibility to continue with the business.

Virksomhedens historie

We have started a company, as we want to improve the choices the people have when they are choosing a breakfast in Denmark. The customization of breakfast is quite popular in Germany, England, Sweden, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, and we wanted to introduce this new concept to Denmark.
We put most of our resources into the company and even though the beginning was very hard, as we did many mistakes connected to marketing, the situation improved at the beginning of this year, nevertheless we were still not able to cover all the costs the company had.

There are few customers who return regularly, but unfortunately, we run out of resources and therefore we cannot keep the company going.


As it is a new concept, it is quite difficult to describe, what the company actually does. We think, there was a problem with marketing, as it seemed that many people did not understand the concept and the fact, they can mix themselves they own custom mix.

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The people get the product made just for them. The quality of all the products was always high and the people appreciated it.


We think that now, it would be a perfect time to focus more on marketing and make a huge campaign, connect with influencers, etc. We know that people like the concept, but unfortunately there are not so many of them, who know about it.


We can help with everything - we are happy to share our suppliers for the food products we currently have (freeze-dried fruit, instant porridges, etc.).
We also have a custom-made packaging and there are around 500 pieces left, which we would be happy to give - we found a cheap Polish supplier of the packaging, which we can also share.
The website is made by Czech programmers, which are very good and professional, and there is a possibility to contact them to make all the changes you would need with the lower hour rate (430 DKK/hour) or there is a possibility for a service agreement, where you can get many changes on the website every month for less than 1000DKK - but all this would need to be discussed with the IT company.

We are more than open to share our all experiences and knowledge, as we would like to see our online store to grow into a very successful business with many happy customers.

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Udbudspris 39.000 DKK