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Webshop med salg af IT-sikkerhedsprodukter - Bevist Kvartalsomsætning på 50.000 kr i DK.

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Brief introduction to Safe-space

Safe-space is a blogging platform that addresses existing and future IT-hacking trends in the society. The platform is providing an easy access for consumers to gain an insight into the newest hacking trends, which we, at Safe-space believes, is essential to maintain a high level of digital privacy. Not only does Safe-space provide blogs about hacking trends, we also offer the very specific hardware products that prevents consumers from being exposed to these types of hacking. We carefully hand pick our products to meet the demand for the very specific hacking trends to make sure our customers can gain insight into hacking trends and how to protect themselves. Safe-space is primarily, with the current product portfolio, focused towards the B2C segment, as we believe our blogs are mostly addressing the private segment. Yet, we do have some products in our portfolio, which are mainly B2B relevant.

How is Safe-space creating value?

IT-crime is proven to be the only increasing crime in Denmark, which has led to an increasingly focus on cyber security in the media. As cyber security is beginning to become a more common term for the general citizen, people are starting to realize that a lot of personal and sensitive data are actually becoming a target for IT-criminals. The society is becoming more and more digitalized, which ultimately leads to more personal and sensitive data flowing around, leaving a greater market for hackers to extort people or simply use their information to blackmail them. This is where Safe-space delivers its actual value – informing people about these topics and furthermore, not only explains what you can do yourself to minimize the probability of being exposed, but also providing the actual products, which ensures you from not being exposed to certain hacking trends.
The concept of Safe-space is targeted towards responsible men and women in all kind of age groups, who realize the potential threat of being exposed to different types of hacking trends as webcam hacking, shoulder surfing and virus infiltration to extract sensitive information and use it to potential extortion.

How does Safe-space measure the value for the customers?

First, we measure the customer value in retention rates – if our customer visits our site more than once. We are able to track traffic and individuals visiting our store: how often they visit, how long they are on the site etc. Second, our sales numbers – we strongly assume we have created and/or fulfilled a need for the customer if they choose to buy a product. Third, we measure customer value in how many sign-ups we have on our newsletter – if they sign up for newsletter, it is strongly assumed it is because the find the information useful and want to stay

Market size estimation
A section about market size estimation has been included to illustrate to potential investors the market demand for our service and products. PWC published a cybercrime survey in 2016 showing that 67% of 300 Danish it- executives and specialists respondents have been exposed to extortion the last year, which is a big increase compared to 22% in 2015 (PWC, 2016). In terms of our specific products – in this case the webcam cover for laptops and smartphones, the security company CSIS estimates that around 100.000 computers and phones are infected and hackers are able to access the webcam and other features (CSIS, 2016). This indicates not only a big market size in the B2C segment, but also in the B2B. The PWC survey also states that investing in how the employees increase their security has the highest priority, which indicates a great potential for USB-datablocker product. Especially, investing in the security on the employees’ mobile devices is the highest priority at 33,8% of the respondents companies. In terms of expansion opportunities, the survey also includes numbers from Norway, which has the same tendencies as Denmark indicating a great potential to do a market entry in Norway to create growth in the future. It is also argued on a world leading website about cyber security, that the global cyber security community will experience an approximately 12-15% yearly growth until 2021 (Cybersecurityventures, 2017).
Above mentioned are things we believe that indicates a very attractive industry with a lot of growth opportunities for Safe-space given the increasingly focus on cyber security in the society- and the business segment.

Økonomiske nøgletal

Ved de fleste af vores produkter forekommer der en profitmargin på mellem 750-950 %. Det er selve annonceringen af produkter som er den største cost-driver. Regnskab samt cash-flow analyse kan fremsendes ved interesse.
Bevist Kvartalsomsætning på 50.000 kr i DK.


Product portfolio:
Webcam hacking:
Webcam hacking is in particular a crime that is on the rise. Hackers can get access to your webcam and use the obtained material to extortion. Safe-space have developed a modern and user-friendly webcam-cover, which now will allow you to choose, who and when you want your webcam to be active. The product is made in strong aluminium and is easy to apply on your laptop, smartphone or tablet.

RFID Blocking card:
Another crime-form on the rise, is RFID-skimming. The goal for RFID-skimmers is to steal data and information from your contactless credit card. RFID- skimmers exploit the inbuilt NFC technology in credit cards, to extract data, which is present on the card. The digital pickpockets can get access to your card numbers, name/surname and expiry date and thereby make payment from your card. This crime can also be used in identity theft purposes. The RFID-skimmers use a device that functions as a normal payment terminal, and thereby get access to your data. Safe-space is therefore selling a RFID-blocking card, which functions as a jammer to these devices and terminal. You can therefore not make any transactions, whenever this blocking card is within a radius of 20cm. You can therefore now be sure that you decide, when your credit card should be accessed by the NFC technology and thereby minimize the chances of being victim to a digital pickpocker.

Privacy filter:
Shoulder-surfing is a term, where people in your surroundings can see what you are doing on your devices. This can limit your privacy feeling in public surroundings. Some thieves are also using shoulder-surfing to lure any personal passwords to get access to your devices. Safe-space is selling a privacy filter, which only allows people that sit directly in front of the device to actually see, what is on the screen. This makes it impossible for the person behind or next to you, to see what is on the screen.
The product is also available for MacBook’s. This specific product is a magnetic privacy filters, which makes it possible to easily, remove and apply the product as needed. The privacy filters are two-sided and therefore suitable for both Macbook Pro (black edge) & Macbook Air (silver edge).

USB datablocker:
The final product that safe-space has in its product portfolio is an USB-data blocker. The USB-dongle prevents any data exchanges from your devices and to someone else’s computer or a public charging station. The USB-dongle achieves this by blocking the data pins and thereby only allow power to run though, which limit the possibility of others getting access to your data or transfer of any viruses. This product is mainly thought to other businesses, where an important IT-system needs to be guarded. Or the conscious person that want to limit the possibility of getting a virus. Smart-phones is exposed to all sorts of viruses, which can easily be transferred if they are connected to a laptop


Markedsføring sker primært via. online markedsføring. Her bliver der primært brugt Facebook annoncering, hvor kost pris ligger på mellem 5-10 kr. pr-kunde. Derudover er der blevet lagt et godt arbejde i SEO, hvor der rangeres på side 1 ved alle vores produkter. Derfor kan det argumenteres for en markedsledende position.

Virksomhedens historie

Co-founded this company next to my studies based on three purposes:

1) Wanted to build something from scratch and see it work.
2) Wanted to learn more about different business aspects to diversify my knowledge.
3) Combine my interest in IT with business development
4) Identified a gap in the Market, which could be exploited


Market size estimation
A section about market size estimation has been included to illustrate to potential investors the market demand for our service and products. PWC published a cybercrime survey in 2016 showing that 67% of 300 Danish it- executives and specialists respondents have been exposed to extortion the last year, which is a big increase compared to 22% in 2015 (PWC, 2016). In terms of our specific products – in this case the webcam cover for laptops and smartphones, the security company CSIS estimates that around 100.000 computers and phones are infected and hackers are able to access the webcam and other features (CSIS, 2016). This indicates not only a big market size in the B2C segment, but also in the B2B. The PWC survey also states that investing in how the employees increase their security has the highest priority, which indicates a great potential for USB-datablocker product. Especially, investing in the security on the employees’ mobile devices is the highest priority at 33,8% of the respondents companies. In terms of expansion opportunities, the survey also includes numbers from Norway, which has the same tendencies as Denmark indicating a great potential to do a market entry in Norway to create growth in the future. It is also argued on a world leading website about cyber security, that the global cyber security community will experience an approximately 12-15% yearly growth until 2021 (Cybersecurityventures, 2017).
Above mentioned are things we believe that indicates a very attractive industry with a lot of growth opportunities for Safe-space given the increasingly focus on cyber security in the society- and the business segment.


Eneste mand på teamet (EMV)
Autodidakt markedskendskab (Manglende relevant uddannelse)
Svært at lave budgetteringer (forecasts, grundet høj volitalitet)

Stærke sider

Løser et reelt problem
Nemt at anvende
Skræddersyet løsninger
Omstillingsparat (sund logistisk kæde)
Markedskendte (First-mover)
Lave faste omkostninger.
Forholdsvist uudnyttet marked
Nye hackingtrends opstår løbende
Øget samfundsfokus på IT-sikkerhed
Lovgivningsmæssige tiltag der fremmer virksomheders incitament for køb
Konkurrencerne har ikke samme fokus på løsning af andre hacking typer



Ideel køber

Køber der har mod på at tage virksomheden til nye højder gennem internationalisering. Cyber security software virksomhed der ønsker at differentier sine produkter.


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Udbudspris 800.000 DKK