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Dinning place with great reputation and a solid 72% gross profit margin.

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Quality fast casual food at a reasonable price

We have two locations in Odense. We are a cozy fast casual business that focus's on flavor and healthy food options for people.

We do take away and have room for 20 seated guests downtown.

At our SDU location we do take away and have seating for over 100... This business is very attractive for an Owner operator.

Especially one that has the ability to run the kitchen Downtown. The sale of Soup Stone can be a "turnkey" solution including our recipes and client base or to start up your own concept.

Økonomiske nøgletal

Afkastningsgrad - 0
Overskudsgrad - 0
Dækningsgrad 72

We are in a very niche position in Odense and Denmark. Building the brand and fine tuning our procedures has been a priority. The opening of our second location came too quick and was a drain on our balance sheet for the last year. Our labor has been too high, but we maintain a solid 72% gross profit margin.

Overskud før skat: 0 DKK


Soups, Sandwiches, Curry, Noodles, Salads, Asian Dishes.
Coffee, drinks, beer, wine.


There is a healthy online/social media following.

We are very active on Facebook and Instagram promoting a healthier version of "fast food"...

We are in a category I would call "fast casual" which has been the largest growing sector globally in the Food & Beverage industry.

Fast Casual however in Scandinavia is still in it's infancy...

We offer exceptional quality for prices below normal cafe prices with a quicker dining experience and lower prices.

Also very active in the take away market including apps like "Wolt"...

We have two operating locations that can either be taken over and grown as the concept or rebranded and operated as something else, but ready to go...


Løn - 1 million / includes both locations.
Husleje - 250,000 including utilities and other fee's.
Forsikring - 24,000 / includes both locations
Other Fixed Costs /


Two fully stocked and equipped locations.

Service counters and POS, full kitchen equipment including fridges and freezers, walk in fridge, coffee machines, stoves, hoods, oven, dishwasher, stainless counter tops and racks.
Decorative interior, tables, stools, display fridge...

Both locations are "turn key" operations...

Varelager på 20.000 kr. inkluderet i prisen Sælger tilbyder at få varelager med som en del af udbudsprisen.
Inventar på 550.000 kr. inkluderet i prisen Sælger tilbyder at få inventar med som en del af udbudsprisen

Virksomhedens historie

We opened the concept in 2015 and had great response and customer satisfaction levels that we have held onto over the last 3 years.

We are consistently voted in the Best of Odense competition and have very high trip advisor and other reviews online.

We have struggled with labor costs and our summer sales.

Our challenge is two fold... Marketing us in a way that people think of great quality food at very good prices instead of thinking only about soup is challenging, especially in a market place where "soup" generally has a bad reputation...

Our second location is the only place currently available out at SDU and all the infrastructure being built out there... 5 new buildings, Netto, Tram System, new roads, etc etc... That area estimated to have approximately 60, 000 people per day in that SDU zone... We are in the middle...

Our downtown concept store is in a good spot from a general traffic point of view close to everything and the ability to quickly drive up or park directly across the street.


The only "like for like" competition in the healthy eating market was the Food Stall which has a shop very close to us. They however, are closing this month. In Downtown Odense and Denmark in general we have a very unique concept and product.

We spend almost nothing on external marketing at the moment.
If the labor to sales key can be turned and the operation is made sharper with better training and procedures I believe there is a Scandinavian wide market for what we do...


Labor has been the biggest challenge.

An Owner operator, especially one that could run the kitchen could run a good business with profit.

An investor with more funds could develop and grow the concept.

Stærke sider

Our brand is solid, with a very good reputation for quality and service. We offer the best quality product at the best price, literally...
There is no other business offering our products or service style in Odense.


We are currently focusing on training and procedures in an effort to not require a "Head Chef" and reduce our labor cost. Also better trained individuals who can produce more and serve more people with less staff...
This is coupled with marketing our lunch service and catering abilities and generally growing awareness around our "healthy, delicious, fast food" concept.


100 locations across Scandinavia...

Ideel køber

There are 3 categories for this.

Owner Operator who wants to develop existing two locations...
Someone who see's the potential in our brand and product and has the finance and skill set to move it forward.
Someone who wants to partner with me to achieve 100 locations...


I would be very happy to help someone with either my concept or to help get settled into their own... I'm totally up for discussing whatever options would work best for potential buyers or investors.

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