IT reparation og IT service med 8 websites og 2 fysiske butikker

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I am selling my computer/phone repair and sell business.

-We have 2 shops innovative designed for computer sell and repair business.

-We repair all kind of apple devices, laptops, desktops and iphones.

-We have 8 websites for different repairs. All of them listed in google first page. We have our own server for websites.

-Configured and optimized google adwords account.This is for commercials.

-We have CRM and ERP easy to use web based system. Customer registration, work order management, payment all easy.

-We have more then 9000 costumers registered in our data base. Being in the market for over 7 years we have many costumers.

-We have very good reputation on web forums and trustpilot.

We can support buyer for a month or two to able to understand company working system. Also help on repairs and sells.

If you are interested please write to me through the advert.

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Omsætnings status:
Har omsætning

Årsag til salg:

Annonce oprettet den:
Udbudspris 800.000 DKK